World Schooling: Exploring the World as a Form of Education

Education is an essential aspect of life that shapes who we are and who we will become. Traditional education systems focus on classroom-based learning, where children are taught in a structured environment with a set curriculum. However, as the world becomes more interconnected and globalized, there is an increasing interest in alternative forms of education, such as world schooling. When I first learned about world schooling I was planning our first long trip with kids, and it made complete sense to me. It’s just a term, but it helped me to define my goals for my kids education. It helped me to realize that there are other parents who choose to live differently and don’t feel confined by the many social constructs that surround education in the developed world.

What is World Schooling?

World schooling is a form of education that involves traveling and learning about different cultures, languages, and environments around the world. World schooling families often use travel and experiential learning as a means of education for their children, rather than traditional classroom-based learning. The goal of world schooling is to expose children to different ways of living, broaden their horizons, and help them develop a global perspective.

World schooling is often done full-time, where families travel continuously for months or even years at a time. However, it can also be done as a part-time supplement to traditional schooling, where families take extended trips during school breaks or summer vacations.

For our family we have decided that for the next few years we will aim to travel 3-4 months of the year. Either for one long travel block, or a few month-6 week long trips. There is so much of the world to see, and a cold long winter to escape! I do hope to spend a full 12 months traveling as a family, but we are still discussing the best timing for that trip. My current plan is to wait until both kids are out of car seats to reduce the amount of baggage!

The Potential Benefits of World Schooling

There are many potential benefits to world schooling that make it an attractive alternative to traditional classroom-based learning. Here are some of the potential benefits:

Experiential Learning

World schooling provides children with the opportunity to learn through experience. They can see, touch, and feel what they are learning about, which helps them to understand and remember concepts better. Experiential learning can also help children develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills as they navigate new and unfamiliar environments.

The time we spent in Maui sparked an interest to learn about volcanoes, tsunamis, humpback whales, Hawaiian green sea turtles, and the history of the Polynesian cultures. In Costa Rica, the kids were fascinated with iguanas, sloths, and toucans!

Language Acquisition

Traveling to different parts of the world can expose children to different languages, which can help them to develop language skills more quickly than traditional classroom-based learning. Being immersed in a language-rich environment can also help children to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of different cultures.

Cultural Immersion

World schooling allows children to experience different cultures first-hand, which can help them to develop a more open-minded and tolerant perspective. They can learn about different customs, traditions, and ways of living, which can help them to appreciate and respect diversity.

Personal Development

World schooling can help children to develop important life skills, such as adaptability, resilience, and independence. Being in new and unfamiliar environments can help children to develop confidence and self-reliance as they learn to navigate and problem-solve on their own.

Family Bonding

World schooling can also provide families with an opportunity to spend quality time together and strengthen their bonds. Sharing experiences and learning together can create lasting memories and help families to develop a deeper appreciation for each other.

Flexibility and Freedom

World schooling allows families to have more flexibility and freedom in their daily lives. They can choose their own schedule and curriculum, and can tailor their learning to their interests and passions. This can create a more personalized and fulfilling educational experience for children.

Challenges of World Schooling

While world schooling has many potential benefits, it also comes with its own set of challenges. Here are some of the challenges that world schooling families may face:


Traveling can be expensive, especially if done long-term. World schooling families must be able to finance their travels and living expenses while on the road.

Disruption to Routine

World schooling can disrupt a family's daily routine, which can be challenging for some children. It may take time to adjust to a new environment and schedule, which can be stressful for children and parents alike.

Limited Social Interaction

World schooling can be isolating, as children may not have access to the same social opportunities as they would in a traditional school environment. Making friends and building relationships can be more difficult when traveling, and children may miss their friends from home.

This is definitely a big consideration, but I would also say that my kids have really grown in their ability to make connections wherever they go (and I have learned to do this too!).  Saying goodbye to friends you meet is hard, but we also feel that our lives are enriched by having the opportunity to meet such wonderful people.  We also tend to find a school type environment for our kids during long stays so they are able to make friendships and feel more connected locally.  

The other important travel hack, is that we also look for condominiums or some kind of accommodations that has a shared pool or common areas. That is always where we meet a lot of people that help us to get the lay of the local land. Having a big house might sound nice, but it’s kind of isolating when you’re in a new place!

Lack of Stability

World schooling can be unpredictable, and families may not have the same sense of stability as they would in a traditional school environment. Constantly moving from place to place can be stressful for children and may impact their sense of security and stability.

However, you are in charge of the pace of travel. If you are moving every few nights for a long time, that may be challenging…but if you are able to slow your pace of travel and stay in a place for a week to a month, that helps to settle in and build a new routine. 

Educational Gaps

World schooling may not provide the same level of structure and consistency as traditional classroom-based learning, which could result in educational gaps. Parents must be proactive in ensuring that their children are receiving a well-rounded education that covers all the necessary subjects and skills.

There are so many excellent online resources for home school curriculum that you can browse through

Tips for Successful World Schooling

To overcome the challenges of world schooling and make the most of its potential benefits, here are some tips for successful world schooling:

Plan Ahead

World schooling requires careful planning and preparation. Families should research destinations, plan their itinerary, and make sure they have the necessary visas, vaccinations, and travel documents.

Set Realistic Expectations

World schooling can be unpredictable, and families should set realistic expectations for their travels. They should be flexible and adaptable, and should expect to encounter challenges and unexpected situations along the way.

Stay Connected

Staying connected with family and friends back home can help children feel less isolated and more connected to their support network. Parents should also make an effort to connect with other world schooling families and local communities to help their children make new friends.

Our kids are enrolled in a Montessori school in Canada, so we have made an effort during our trips to connect the kids with their teachers at least once. It helps them feel like they are not forgotten

Use Technology

Technology can be a useful tool for world schooling families. It can help children stay on top of their schoolwork, connect with other children, and stay in touch with family and friends back home.

Prioritize Education

World schooling should prioritize education, and parents should ensure that their children are receiving a well-rounded education that covers all the necessary subjects and skills. This may involve enrolling children in online courses, hiring tutors, or creating their own curriculum.


World schooling is an exciting and rewarding form of education that provides children with the opportunity to learn through experience and explore the world around them. While it comes with its own set of challenges, the potential benefits of world schooling are numerous, including experiential learning, language acquisition, cultural immersion, personal development, family bonding, and flexibility and freedom. With careful planning and preparation, world schooling can be a successful and fulfilling educational experience for families who want to explore the world together.


Hi! My name is Jen, I’m a successful entrepreneur and adventure addict. My little family of 4 (or 5 if you count the dog) are always looking for new ways to live our best life!

My husband and I retired at 35, and now we spend our time connecting with others, learning new things, traveling to amazing places, world schooling our kids, and finding pleasures in the simple life. You can read more about my story here.

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